[Be vigilant]. Increasing number of attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of false e-mail addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). Read more here.

and social responsibility

Eiffage has implemented a deontological and ethical approach that applies to all its stakeholders, both external and internal.  It concerns in particular respect for people, suppliers, business ethics and sustainability.

Business ethics and Eiffage whistleblowing system

Business ethics and compliance with regulations have been a major concern of Eiffage for many years.
In accordance with the Group's values, the most important of which is exemplarity, and in a context of increasing national and European regulations on the fight against corruption and the duty of care, Eiffage has implemented a compliance system based on the following main tools:

A Code of Conduct detailing the rules and conduct of business ethics, 

A training program for the most sensitive employees (e.g. managers, employees with direct commercial links with customers), 

A whistleblowing system enabling any Eiffage employee and all its stakeholders (such as its co-contractors, subcontractors and their respective staff) to report in a responsible manner, without financial compensation and in good faith:

  1. any situation that appears to be contrary to the Code of conduct or values of Eiffage (e.g. corruption or influence peddling),
  2. information about a crime or offence, a breach or attempted breach of a national, European or international commitment,
  3. any threat or harm to the general interest "duty of care" (human rights & fundamental freedoms, health & safety, environment).

Whistleblowing system in practice

  • Nominative or anonymous alerts using the « integrity line Eiffage » multilingual platform, accessible in all countries where the Group has entities 
  • Handling of the alert by the Group alert system manager or by the local alert system manager 
  • Acknowledgement of receipt in writing within 7 days, adequate investigations, remediation measures and closing
  • Implementation of protective measures and confidential handling of alerts

NB: If you are an Eiffage supplier, we invite you not to use the "Eiffage integrity line" platform for invoice payment matters but to contact your Group contact person directly.

Respecting people

Eiffage respects people primarily by preventing risk and ensuring safety on worksites, as well as promoting gender equality, professional integration and non-discriminatory behaviour. We follow these principles in all our operating regions. In 2005, Eiffage signed up to the UN Global Compact, which encourages businesses and firms worldwide to adhere to a number of fundamental principles including freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour, the effective abolition of child labour and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

In a specific statement, our CEO, Benoît de Ruffray, recalled the Group's commitment to the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking.

Respecting suppliers

Suppliers and sub-contractors contribute considerably to the Group’s operations, which is why Eiffage has extended its responsibility to all its partners, both in France and around the world. We implemented a responsible purchasing policy that integrates stringent criteria and regulations in relation to ethics and sustainable development in our framework agreements, general terms and conditions of purchase, supplier listing and contract attribution decisions.


Eiffage has made the environmental transition and innovation two key components of its strategic plan. All the Group’s innovation and R&D efforts focus on bringing about a low-carbon economy. We have made minimising the impact of our operations on the environment an outright priority, for example by developing alternative construction methods, using biosourced materials, protecting biodiversity and championing the circular economy.

The ethics and commitments booklet

Since 2011, the fundamental elements of Eiffage’s ethical approach have been set out in the Ethics & Commitments booklet.

Download the Ethics & Commitments booklet.