[Be vigilant]. Increasing number of attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of false e-mail addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). Read more here.


On the A10 motorway, Ævia carried out the jacking of a viaduct over the Cher river

In the Centre-Val de Loire region, on the A10 motorway - which links Paris and Bordeaux - our Ævia teams have carried out the jacking of a viaduct crossing the Cher river in order to extend its life span!

On the A10 motorway, Ævia carried out the jacking of a viaduct over the Cher river

The jacking of this 5,500 ton, 240 m long VIPP* viaduct required the use of 200 computer-controlled jacks. The operation was carried out in two phases with traffic tipping over.

Congratulations to the teams for their work!

Thank you to VINCI Autoroutes and Quadric for their confidence!

*Viaduct with pre-stressed prefabricated beams.

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