
Eiffage Génie Civil refurbishes the Grand Paris Express tunnel boring machines for the Toulouse metro project

Teams from Eiffage Génie Civil, in collaboration with German manufacturer Herrenknecht AG, are busy modifying and reconditioning three of the six tunnel boring machines used to dig the 8 tunnels on line 16-1 of the Grand Paris Express project.

Eiffage Génie Civil refurbishes the Grand Paris Express tunnel boring machines for the Toulouse metro project

Formerly named Sarah, Bantan and Armelle, the 3 tunnel boring machines were disassembled at the Eiffage site in Thieux (77). The 28,000 m² site is a veritable Tetris.

Piece by piece, the teams are getting organised to reassemble 3 new tunnel boring machines that will be used to dig the 12.7 km of the future line C of the #Toulouse metro.

This innovative re-use will give the tunnel boring machines a new lease of life and meet the technical specifications for digging the future project.

Credit: Eiffage Génie Civil - Hervé Piraud

Toulouse Metro
Tisséo Collectivités Tisséo Ingénierie
Group of companies: Eiffage Génie Civil (leader) NGE - BTP

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